Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Save Our Trees!

So, they've decided to cut down our trees (well, they're not ours, just the ones that are in the town square) because the birds are congregating on them, and shitting on the ground, which causes an awfy smell?

Jesus H! What are the council road sweepers for? Should they not be clearing the mess up, rather than just cutting down all the trees? Or even get rid of the birds! We could get a council cat to patrol the area. All it would cost is the frequent rescue fees from the fire brigade!

What purpose do these birds serve? W£hat the fuck are they for?

A couple of weeks of pot-shots from the local rifle club, and we'd be rid of them for good. But no, the council wouldn't spend their (or should I say, our) cash on cleaning the corpses from the streets, would they?

No, they'd far rather shift the problem sideways and just cut down all the trees.

Where do they reckon these flocks of starlings will go? Do they seriously think that they'll all just shuffle off back to their nests like a football crowd going home after an abandoned game? No, they'll migrate to the nearest group of trees, probably down by the riverside, where they'll continue to stink up the place.

Despite what it says in the above article, there's nothing wrong with the trees - they are pretty much perfectly healthy.

This is just idiotic council cost-cutting of the laziest kind.

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