Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Cat Experiment (Part 2) - The Hobbes Effect

Here are the latest results from the Great Catnip Experiments.

What a ruse, I thought. Apply liquid catnip to the tail of a cat! Would said puss react favourably towards its own tail? I originally conducted this experiment on my own cat, to general indifference.

I then wondered (scientifically, of course!) whether the application of catnip to one cat would elicit a response from another cat?

Having passed the liquid catnip to 70's Ian, he proceeded to liberally douse one of his five cats with said fluid, and retired a safe distance to record the expected stramash....

Apparently, almost the same thing happened with his cats as happened with mine!

Nothing! Just some curious sniffs at the area affected, and then a general ignorance, from both the cat affected and the others who were unaffected.

My scientific findings can reveal that my previous theoretical formula (a + b = √c)* holds true. This is henceforth to be known as 'The Hobbes Effect', after my original guinea-cat.

With this scientific corroboration, can I now apply for Government funding to further investigate this new-found scientific phenomenon? These findings open up a whole new world of further unanswered questions.

For instance, what would happen if catnip was applied to another living creature, say, a dog? Would the intoxicating cat-nippiness be similarly subdued?

Further revelations as and when they are, er, revealed!

*(Where a = cat, b = catnip and c = fuck all.)

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