Thursday, October 07, 2004

Experiments and Idle Hands...

Right, I've been thinking....(...Cue The Wife saying "Oh Christ, he's been 'thinking' again..!)

When she was last down in Inverness (shopping) she came back with some treats for the cat. Y'know the sort of things - things tied to elastic on a stick, a dangly thing to try and catch and - the piece-de-resistance - "Kookamunga Super Concentrate Catnip Spray"...

This is exactly what it says on the bottle - liquid catnip.

Now my puss is just a common or garden fat ginger tom, and as such is just a wee bit vulnerable to the mind-altering multi-orgasmic effects of said catnip. Whatever we spray this stuff on gets slevered on, rolled on and rubbed to bits for about an hour at a time.

He likes.

So as I said, I've had an idea.

What if I was to spray some of this stuff on him ? Or on his tail? (Don't worry kitty-lovers, there are no warnings on the bottle to discourage the use of said product on said feline.)

Would he chase his tail around in circles, slobbering and purring uncontrollably? Or would it drive him NUTS!??

And as a further extension to this experiment, what would happen if I gave the bottle to 70's Ian to perform a 'Group Study'? He's got 5 cats. Imagine them all ganging up on the one cat that's been sprayed! Would it be one big love-in, or would the inevitable fight ensue?

Once this experiment is concluded I will publish a full report.

Here. Later.

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