Well, the previous post certainly confirms my thoughts.
Posting from a mobile 'phone doesn't work using the Blogger dashboard...even using an xHTML browser. Meh...
In other news: -
I haven't been posting recently because I couldn't really be arsed. (None of this "writer's block" bollocks for me! Non-arsed-ness it is, then!!)
Christmas is now firmly past us, and we're all happier for that I'm sure. In fact, it's almost Easter time, 'cos there's tons of Creme Eggs in the shops.
In fact, I have to concur with Scaryduck's discoveries of a few weeks ago - Creme Eggs are now indeed smaller than ever.
They used to be the size of ostrich eggs (hang on - that remnds me of an old story that takes the piss out of The Wife!) in the days of Wagon Wheels the size of, well, wheels on a wagon and Curly-Wurlys had to be carried on your back like a window-cleaner's ladder...
Ah, the halcyon days of youth right enough.
Right, enough of this buffoonery for now.
We'll take this one step at a time, and see how long and how far we can go. Likely as long s it takes for me to become not arsed again.
I bid you adieu, adieu, to you and you and you...