Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Give Me Freedom...!

Our cat is a 'House Cat'. He's never been outside since we got him from the local sanctuary. Since we've moved home, and now have a front garden all to ourselves, we thought it would be a good idea to expose him to the delights of The Big Bad Outside World...

The pic below is his first step outdoors in more than six years...

Quickly followed by the thought.."Oh fuck, what the hell is all this..? I'm going straight back in there...at least its isnae windy inside..."

He's been out a few times since then, but after six years of incarceration he probably thinks he's Brooks out of Shawshank prison....

One of these days, I'll find "Hobbes was here" scratched in the garden fence....

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Recovered Treasures

OK? I'm back again. We got our 'phone line installed yesterday, same number as before and we're now using dial-up (no broadband for up to 10 working days) for interwebnet access.

Have spent quite a lot of time unpacking all the boxes after the flit. It's funny the stuff you find when moving house - you know, stuff that's been lying about the place unnoticed or forgotten.

Like the image below. This is a poem that my daughter wrote at school when she was 8 years old, entitled "Boys".

BOYS by Lynn

Boys are yucky
Boys are gross
Boys stick their fingers up their nose
Boys eat snotters, worms and toads,
Boys are something worse than gross
Boys are...BOYS!

I particularly like the use of illustration to show big jars of worms, toads and snotters (neatly rolled up!), and the close-up view of a finger-up-the-nose moment!

My plan was to keep this pinned to our kitchen noticeboard until such time as it would come in useful, like the Father's Speech at her wedding, but as she doesn't seem too bothered about boyfriends so far I thought I'd share it with the WWW instead.

Coming soon - More Recovered Gems....!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Moving House Update

OK folks, I'm currently using the local library's PC's to update you all! Quite funny because the've blocked access to this 'blog (and most others) because of "Too many or repeated swearwords"!

The move has been successful, everything is now shifted except for a few odds and ends, (like my guitars and stuff!) so I'm off up there to get them shortly.

The cat is now safely moved too, and he's been enjoying the new surroundings. One good thing abut all this is that he will now be able to be let outside. He's never been outside since he was 4 weeks old (he's now 6 years old!), and I'm looking forward to seeing how he copes with the railway track at the back of the house!

We still haven't got a telephone line to the house, but it is due to be sorted out within 2 weeks.....so they say....

So internet access at homew isn't and won't be available for that long either...

I managed to get online on Sunday up at the out-law's, so I'm not totally out-of-touch!

Further updates as and when available....

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Enforced Hiatus....?

I'll be away for a while, due to moving house imminently. The new place has no telephone line yet, and we've been told that the installation of one could take up to 3 months....

It'll be a lot shorter than that, I can assure you...

So, my WorldWideWundaweb access could be severely limited over the forseeable future. I'll probably be able to use the out-law's PC to get a few things done, so I'll try to keep in touch!

Adios for now, hope you check back every now and then!

Monday, April 04, 2005

Site Updates...

I've added another ouple of sites to my side-bar blogroll thingy...

Check out Birdman's revamped Raised By Chaffinches for some interesting views. He gave up the blogging lark a while back after getting "found out". Thankfully he's back again!

And for some ripe and rude sweary wordies, check out Noreen and Ballbag's Emerald Bile! This is what the interwebnet is all about...quality rants and anonymity!

They're nutters, but funny with it. I must stress that some very bad words are on this site, so if you're under the age of about 16, I wouldn't let your mam and dad supervise. Unless they don't mind...

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Gig Update...

Ended up OK! We played a blinder, after a quick mid-afternoon rehearsal, and we went on at about 9pm, played our stuff and got off stage to a rapturous reception.....

Was a wee bit nervous before-hand, including a wee vomitous bout in the morning which might have been hangover induced, but I don't think so...

We were one of six bands playing:-

*Estrella - Pseudo Bon Jovi clones with headbands, cowboy boots and on-the-knees guitar solos, with a pretentious lead singer who would suck his own cock if he could extract his head from up his own arse for just a minute...

*All Stitched Up - a punk band in the true sense...guitars out of tune, raucous shouting, and each player playing nothing in common with anyone else. Good punk attitude though...

*The Stevie Taylor Fiasco - A collection of classic Rock songs, including Dio's "Holy Diver", Van Halen's "Eruption" (which Stevie played, not me...as if!) and "Paranoid", which one of us managed to fuck-up! (It wisnae me!) Cracking versions of "Perfect Strangers" and "Rock You Like A Hurricane" too. We got plenty of congrats afterwards, but then you get to expect that, and learn not to believe it all. Pissed people talk bullshit far too readily...we did manage to get some chicks dancing, and even one old rocker shaking his dandruff to Deep Purple! Gawd bless you, Gordy!

With a full lightshow, and a 300 plus crowd, the on-stage temperature was into the "fucking hot" level, and I came offstage sweating like Dyer and Bowyer in Souness' waiting room....

*Crimson Tide - a young band from Bettyhill, and by far the most impressive of the night. A brilliant use of dynamics, switching between soft, gentle acoustics to brutal, just-under-control distortion and with some haunting vocals as well. Only negative was the singer reading lyrics from a stand, but maybe he's new. Surely if he'd written the songs he'd know the words..? Look out for them, for I predict they could go far...

*Boss Hogg - a Glasgow based band comprising entirely Thurso-born musicians. They were quite good, and while not my cup o' tea they did come across as quite powerful. As main organisers of this charidee event, they were due a better crowd than they got. A lot of the kids deciding to leg it to the nightclub before it closd.. :(

*Findo Gask - An Inverness band who have been courting a record deal recently. These fuckers were pure mad mental. I spoke to them about half an hour before they went on stage, and they were totally chilled. Cut to 10 seconds into their set, and they're just going mad...singer chap is twisting and turning, staggering on and off stage, tortuously screaming unintelligible vocals, while shouting obscenities off-mic ("FUCKING BITCH" etc.) during interludes...They even managed to create a wee mosh-pit, during which an extremely drunken 30yo-ish fat woman fell on her arse twice...Quality!

All in all, a successful night, with proceeds from the £4.00 ticket price going to the Caithness Nerve Centre, which cares for people with neurological problems.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Bloody Fuckery...Wait For Me...?

Right, I've got myself a wee bit in over my heid here..

Tonight, as part of a six-band extravaganza of musical delights, I've agreed to play rhythm guitar for the Stevie Taylor Band...

We've had two (2) rehearsals, where we played a couple of Deep Purple songs, a Scorpions number, and "Holy Diver" by Dio, along with one of Stevie's own compositions. We played some more, but I can't remember what. Says a lot, eh?

We sounded good*.

Now, I'm not saying that I'm a crap guitarist, quite simply because I'm not. I'm a damn decent guitarist.

But I'm the type that needs to practice to be better, and in a band situaton, I need to be able to work with the rest of the guys to know when to give and when to go...

So, tonight at 8.30pm-ish, I shall be prostrating myself, and my undoubted musical talents at the feet of the ears of some of the most renowned of local artists, while having no real idea of what I'm supposed to be playing next...

Thank goodness that I've at least got a full head of luxurious, flowing hair** for the undubious headbanging duties.......

I will file a full report afterwards. Or maybe not. depends on whether we were shit or not. Hey ho. Bite me.

*Lies, and shite.
**Utter lies, and utter shite